Difference between flea/ticks bites vs bed bug bites

Many a times when people get bite or any red swollen mark found on body the first thing comes to their mind is about mosquito bite and second is bed bugs. Very few people know about fleas. The identification of Pest is very important because the treatment of both the pest varies.It can be difficult to see the difference between the two types of bites at first, but you will find that it’s not that much of a problem once you learn about the difference between flea bites and bed bug bites. Remember that the reaction to these bites can appear differently on people, so one infection does not always look like the other. That being said, let’s look at the differences.

Flea bites Bed bug bites
They look like small clusters of dots They look red, hard and swollen, like mosquito bites
They itch like crazy They itch just as much
They are usually located on legs and ankles They occur all over the body in a linear pattern
They bite all the time, as long as the fleas are around They bite periodically as they only feed every few weeks
They can cause infections if scratched They often turn into blisters
Bedbugs Bite

Bedbugs Bite Mark

Ticks Bite Mark

Ticks Bite Mark








Rajashree Pest Control combines expertise, eco-consciousness, and safety to provide pest-friendly solutions. Say goodbye to pests without compromising your well-being or the environment. Contact us today for a healthier, happier home!

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